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BERAKAS, Monday, 12 July 2021 – The Ministry of Defence conducted the 6th Ad Hoc Working Group Meeting on ASEAN Direct Communications Infrastructure (ADI) virtually this afternoon at International Convention Centre.

Co-chairing the meeting were Haji Adi Ihram bin Dato Paduka Haji Mahmud, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Policy and Strategy), who is also the ASEAN Defence Senior Officials Meeting Working Group (ADSOMWG) Leader for Brunei Darussalam and Teodoro Cirilo T. Torralba III, Assistant Secretary for Assessments and International Affairs, Department of National Defense, also the ADSOM WG Leader for Republic of the Philippines.

This meeting is a follow-up to the 5th Ad Hoc Working Group Meeting on ADI which convened on 9 October 2019 in Brunei Darussalam. Among other things, the meeting deliberated on the status of Phase I. The Ad Hoc Working Group also identified the way forward for Phase II, following the adoption of the Concept Paper on Enhancing the Usage of ADI as Defence Communications Architecture in the ADMM Process by the 15th ADMM on 15 June 2021.

Before the meeting in the afternoon, policy and technical officials from all ASEAN Member States participated in an open forum session in the morning to discuss the way forward for Phase II. The session was co-facilitated by Brunei Darussalam and the Republic of Philippines as the co-chair for Phase II of ADI.


BERAKAS, Isnin, 12 July 2021 – Kementerian Pertahanan telah mengadakan Mesyuarat Ke-6 Ad Hoc Kumpulan Kerja Mengenai ASEAN Direct Communications Infrastructure (ADI) secara dalam talian pada petang ini di Pusat Persidangan Antarabangsa.

Mempengerusikan bersama mesyuarat ini ialah Haji Adi Ihram bin Dato Paduka Haji Mahmud, Timbalan Setiausaha Tetap (Dasar dan Strategi), yang juga merupakan Ketua ASEAN Defence Senior Officials Meeting Working Group (ADSOMWG) bagi Negara Brunei Darussalam dan Teodoro Cirilo T. Torralba III, Assistant Secretary for Assessments and International Affairs, Department of National Defense yang juga merupakan Ketua ADSOM WG bagi Republik Filipina.

Mesyuarat pada hari ini ialah susulan daripada Mesyuarat Ke-5 Ad Hoc Kumpulan Kerja Mengenai ADI yang telah dijalankan pada 9 Oktober 2019 di Negara Brunei Darussalam. Antara lain, mesyuarat telah membincangkan mengenai status terkini bagi Fasa I. Mesyuarat juga mengenal pasti langkah ke hadapan bagi Fasa II, berikutan penerimaan Concept Paper on Enhancing the Usage of ADI as Defence Communications Architecture in the ADMM Process oleh Mesyuarat ADMM Ke-15 pada 15 Jun 2021.

Sebelum mesyuarat diadakan pada sebelah petang, pegawai dasar dan teknikal dari semua Negara Anggota ASEAN telah mengambil bahagian dalam sesi forum terbuka pada waktu pagi, untuk membincangkan hala tuju bagi Fasa II. Sesi pada pagi tersebut dikendalikan  oleh wakil dari Negara Brunei Darussalam dan Republik Filipina sebagai Pengerusi Bersama untuk Fasa II ADI.
